... and bringing us back to (nearly) present-day, Jen's birthday party at Skate Station. Her friends are, left to right, Cecelie, Jen, Alyssa, Rebekah and Maya - another friend named Jen had already left.
After an emergency procedure to unblock his urethra, Tiger had some lovely poodle-paw action happening. (They had to shave both his front paws for the IVs.) Now both cats get the expensive "urinary tract health" prescription pet food.
I took Tom and Jen to Mt. Vernon for Cornell's 2007 Homecoming. We watched the soccer team lose spectacularly and got some cool stuff at the bookstore.
Jen decided to play soccer last fall, and did a pretty good job. I think she really wanted the pink shinguards and soccer socks, though -- she decided not to play a second season.